Securing the Digital Future: The Need to Back Up Your Data

With the implementation of digital identity via the France Identity application, saving our data becomes essential, not only for the protection of our personal information but also for the continuity of our professional activities. Celebrated every March 31, World Computer Backup Day ( reminds us of the crucial importance of preserving our digital assets against accidental loss, hardware failure, cyberattacks, or even natural disasters.


An alarming statistic reveals that 30% of people have never made a backup, putting their data at high risk of irreversible loss. Additionally, 29% of data loss is due to accidents, highlighting the need for a robust backup strategy for everyone.


The importance of data backup extends beyond just preventing accidental loss; it provides an essential defense against digital security threats, such as ransomware attacks. These increasingly frequent attacks encrypt critical data and demand a ransom for its release. Regular and secure backup helps minimize the impacts of such attacks on personal or corporate data.

To protect us from the risks linked to the loss of customer data, Solusquare has implemented a high-level security strategy since its inception:

  • Databases are fully encrypted
  • Backups are unusable without encryption keys
  • Each database follows the 3-2-1 rule: Three copies of the data, on two different media and one copy off-site
  • Exclusive use of our infrastructure (No external cloud)
  • Backup of applications using the same rules (there is no point in having data if you are unable to use it).

For your internal data, backing up to physical media such as external hard drives, while remaining popular, presents risks related to loss or hardware failure. Therefore, online or cloud backup can offer you a secure and accessible alternative, allowing access to your data anywhere and at any time. Whatever method you choose, it is essential to encrypt your backups to protect your data against unauthorized access and to test them regularly to ensure their integrity.

The frequency of backups is an important aspect of any data and business application security strategy. Regular, scheduled backup ensures that important data is up to date and protected against accidental loss, hardware failure, cyberattacks, or natural disasters. The frequency of backup should be determined by the volatility of the data and its strategic importance. For critical data, daily or even hourly backups may be necessary, while for less sensitive data, a weekly or monthly backup might be sufficient. By taking a proactive approach and regularly assessing backup needs, organizations and individuals can minimize the risk of data loss and ensure rapid recovery in the event of an incident.

A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) already ready to be implemented is essential to ensure the continuity of business operations in the event of unforeseen incidents. The Solusquare PRA highlights the detailed methodology and procedures established for rapid recovery of activity in the event of a failure. This plan covers all critical aspects of IT infrastructure, including power, Internet transit, network equipment, and database servers, ensuring that in the event of an incident, vital systems can be restored with minimal data loss. Having a well-designed PRA in place not only minimizes downtime but also preserves the reputation and financial viability of the business, highlighting the importance of proactive preparation and planning. for business resilience. Never forget that a good PRA is one implemented regularly to verify that in the event of a problem the procedure will be effective.

Data backup is a fundamental pillar of digital resilience. World Computer Backup Day reminds us that proactive protection of our personal and professional data is essential. Commitment to rigorous backup practices such as 3-2-1 and effective Disaster Recovery Plan highlights a path to securing our digital future. This approach not only guarantees the continuity of operations in the event of a failure but also reinforces confidence in our ability to protect our digital assets against unforeseen events.