The era of omnichannel OR omnichannel, guarantor of the brand-customer link

The quest for the optimal and frictionless customer experience is a mission that every e-merchant must carry out to have a successful e-commerce site.
Often supported by omnichannel strategies, thesethese are become essential following the April 2020 health crisis which highlighted the absolute need to maintain the link between brands and consumers. L'omnichannel therefore seems to be the challenge of the next world, at least for companies that did not follow the trend earlier. 

Indeed, in an increasingly digital environment, it is necessary to strengthen the presence of the human (in-store) thanks to digital tools. This was further emphasized in this first part of 2020 during which multi-channel uses experienced even greater growth than in previous years (such as Click & Collect and Drive, which grew by 20% and 10% respectively. However, the time when the omnichannel was considered only as a simple web-to-store, and when brands only used their different channels (social networks, etc.) as a simple showcase for their products, is over.

Brands must now be present on all touchpoints used by the consumer and offer them a unified digital sales experience with regard to their brand identity. Companies must therefore place theomnichannel at the heart of their strategy because, as this is a cross-functional project, all of the company's internal trades must be involved. In particular the marketing teams, often neglected and organized in silos (currently); despite their critical importance in omnichannel strategies. They indeed make it possible to ensure the coherence of the commercial proposals and the corporate communication between the channels (for example: a price cannot be in promotion on the website and be even cheaper in physical / in the store without promotion). At the risk of creating customer frustration and losing credibility. Range animation logics can however be combined (for example: “Web exclusivity” products, etc.).

Nevertheless, some sectors of activity (particularly the luxury sector) are still reluctant to adopt these omnichannel strategies which, according to them, are approaching "mass-market » and do not comply with their typology of customers. This reasoning is counterbalanced by a study conducted by PwC which points to their low levels of service and de facto lower engagement & loyalty than e-merchants in other sectors.

Other obstacles are also put forward by companies in other fields of activity, and in particular the fear of channel cannibalization. This fear is also often unjustified, as shown by this LSA study and feedback from companies with an omnichannel strategy already in place. 

000296381 illustration large The era of omnichannel OR omnichannel, guarantor of the brand-customer link

However, it remains true that the implementation of an omnichannel strategy remains an important project with its share of financial and human difficulties during its implementation (training of marketing teams, logistics, etc.). Indeed, the benefits of this strategy will only be felt if the consistency and unification of internal teams is in place, and if the use of data from your different channels is done with relevance. The choice of a solution ecommerce natively omnichannel to accompany you on this path therefore seems to be an informed choice. 

