It is common for consumers to use all channels in order to take advantage of the advantages of each throughout their journey: physical store to test and try products, e-commerce sites to compare and try them. The technique of showrooming (go to the store and compare products online on your smartphone at the same time) is thus very widespread. Consumers always want to do good business. How to work on the strengths of your point of sale thanks to digital?
Discover in this article 5 levers to activate in order to improve the customer journey in your store thanks to the advantages of digital.
1. The digital showcase enhanced at the point of sale
The store is evolving. He is not dead. Quite the contrary. Physical points of sale become “augmented”. They even sometimes offer a certain added value compared to an online purchase. Indeed, new technologies make it possible to offer an enriched customer journey for consumers and this begins with the connected window which remains one of the first points of contact both “physical” and “digital”. Implementing a connected window makes it possible to appeal and thus promotes the increase in visits to the point of sale. Animate your screens at the entrance of your store with styles and examples of outfits! Highlight the new collection with an animation broadcast on your digital showcase. Encourage shoppers to enter your store.
2. A privileged point of contact: entering the store
From the moment you convinced the shopper to push the door of your store, you won a small victory but not the war. Indeed, the next step is to encourage the consumer to continue his shopping journey and to browse as many departments as possible. As soon as they enter, offer consumers the opportunity to discover products similar to what they are used to buying. Indeed, thanks to the purchase history to which you have access, adapt your promotions to the taste of each person (or almost). Mr X often comes to the store to buy “new collection” t-shirts? Offer him a promotional code valid only today on the range of newly released t-shirts (for example 10% from 50€ of purchase). Be careful not to be too oppressive with personalization, which could give the opposite reaction: a consumer who leaves the store quickly.
3. The advantages of wandering around the point of sale
How to take advantage of the wandering of consumers in your point of sale? The answer is easy: simply by accompanying the customer throughout his journey without him feeling himself subject to manipulation. Let him discover new products if he is willing to go shopping, offer him promotions if you feel hesitant to buy, etc. Connected tools at the point of sale such as terminals for comparing products or ordering products that are not in stock are found useful by consumers. They accompany their journey perfectly. In addition, the latter feel comfortable when using them because they are the origin of the contact. Many times, when the company initiates the contact, consumers tend to be more defensive. Such tools allow shoppers to take the first step towards business. They also make it possible to make product recommendations: up-selling (selling a product from the range above) and cross-selling (selling a complementary product).
4. Digital fittings to guide purchases
Trying on in store is really a key moment in decision-making. Offer a connected mirror or offer to share tried-on clothes on social networks. Do everything in your power to ensure that this phase of the fitting goes smoothly, in a pleasant and "fun" way. In this way, consumers will have a pleasant experience that will put them more in a purchasing posture. The fitting is a moment of truth since the purchase decision will be made immediately afterwards. Be sure to offer recommendations for other products if the one you tried doesn't work. An interactive kiosk can do the job perfectly!
5. Payment: not a final step but rather intermediate
We might be tempted to think that payment is the last act in the customer journey. Nay, although this step is crucial, it is not an end in itself. With the advent of new technologies and customer experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty are back in the spotlight. Indeed, although the payment constitutes a completion of the customer journey, the recommendations and the events taking place following the purchase are essential to the survival of any business. Reviews, recommendations, word of mouth are all things that make your brand grow, whether online or in the real world. The online and offline channels intertwine to form a global experience where the opinions of other consumers are central. Promote community exchange through digital tools, whether in store or via your e-commerce site and other social platforms on which you are present!